Boat Info

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Oriental, NC

 We took a little dinghy ride....this poor sailboat got washed ashore (I believe a couple of years ago).  Sad that it's sitting there open to the elements....

Back to the boat on another hot day.


  1. Hey K,
    ...can the beached boat not be salvaged...that's a shame...the water looks like glass at your you ever swim there?...

  2. Hey T - the boat looks like they've left several of the ports and entranceway open to the I expect it's ruined. Pretty common sight along the waterways, I'm afraid. I guess like an old junk car, just not worth trying to fix it. And no, we don't swim "for fun" - the water unfortunately is pretty much filled with jellyfish during most of the warm weather. We go in for a few boat maintenance chores, but wear wetsuits. Plus the water is very "tanic" so it's coffee colored. Not dirty, just naturally that way. But it just doesn't look inviting like clear mountain streams or clear Bahamas water! Love, K
