Boat Info

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Oriental, NC

The weather was good enough for me to finally get some paint started on the rooftop.  This is a special bare metal primer.  The areas painted are all the seams, rivets and bolts.   Tomorrow I'll use a roller and paint the entire top white.



 I made a quick and easy curry for dinner.  I usually make a complicated sauce with all kinds of spices and coconut milk.  But we'd been busy and I just wasn't really in the mood for a long drawn-out cooking episode.  

I had this bottle of sauce in the pantry so tried it for the first time.   Inexpensive too - I think the sauce was less than 2 bucks.


I did the cornstarch trick to crispy fry a container of extra firm tofu, cubed.  I just love how crunchy it gets.




 Just tossed in a bag of mixed frozen veggies and served over jasmine rice.

Turned out pretty good - not quite as good as my "homemade", but for ease I'd give it 4.5 stars.

And this morning was another spectacular sunrise - I woke to a pretty soft glow all around the boat.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I'm sure the roof will turn out perfectly...the curry looks good and I've had your crispy tofu before and it is awesome...another pretty seems like summer is almost over now...
