Boat Info

Friday, August 21, 2020

Oriental, NC

Starting the solar panel replacement.  We ordered new ones but they're not here yet.....but the old ones need to be removed.

Not difficult, just tedious. 

All removed!  They look so small all piled up there!

But the cockpit roof is pretty messy.  We'll have to do some repair work - lots of corrosion to deal with where the old panels were mounted.

Looks much better after a good bath of bleach and soap. 

And some yard work finished out the day.  Ready to kick back now!


  1. If those old ones still work are you going to sell them..I know a camper that might be interested

  2. Hey! Do you mean that you're interested? I did put them on Craigslist, but you are welcome to them if you want them!

  3. Hey K, looks so nice now...I'm sure the new ones will be better...and glad someone (K) can recycle the old ones...
