Boat Info

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Oriental, NC

There is a few days of solid rain in the forecast, so we decided we'd better zip over to the other lot and do some mowing.  It was a little grown-over since it's been more than a month since we mowed it last.

A few hours later.  One of these days we'll have to cut up the old dead tree and pile it up....

I had brought our gas-powered weed-eater this time from home.  My little electric one my mom gave me years ago is great for the lot where the boat is - but this required some heavy duty action.

All cleaned up.  (These stump piles are left-over from Hurricane Florence damage.)

And the rest of the day was like this, back at the boat!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty there...I talked to Mom and she said they'd had a storm and lots of rain too...
