Boat Info

Friday, July 24, 2020

Oriental, NC

Ed and Cathy got an identical motor for their dinghy a few weeks ago.  Ed mentioned that he noticed that we had covered up the air intake at the rear of the motor with our Sunbrella that went on the list of things to rectify. 

This is the concerned area.  The motor seemed fine all winter....but more air available has got to be good for an engine.

So we marked the cover and took it inside for alteration.

Simple construction with a leftover piece of Phiphertex leaves that area breathing room.  

And for those of you interested,  Duane's been doing all sorts of sketches of the new charging system.....glad it's him and not me!!  (Not my cup of tea!)


  1. Hey K,
    ...neat idea about the you leave the cover on when it's running?...and of course Duane's sketches are perfect...

  2. Hey T, yes, the cover stays on 24/7 to protect the motor shell from the sun and from inadvertent bumps/bruises. It seemed to "breathe" fine this past winter. We'll see if performance improves next time we have it running.
