Boat Info

Friday, July 10, 2020

Oriental, NC

The sunshade is finally finished after what seemed like hundreds of assembly dry runs.

For those of you who are interested in the construction, we opted to sew on webbing straps instead of using bungie cords like a lot of folks.  I just hated the though of figuring out which-bungie-goes-where each time it's deployed.

The front is secured with a short piece of webbing and a DOT Common Sense fastener looped around the jib halyard.

And the two sides are joined at the mast using the DOT fasteners and webbing passed thru under the sail/sailbag.

And the spreader cable was handled with a pocket using sunbrella binding.

Pretty pleased with it! Hope to get lots of shade in the future! A shady view from inside the cockpit.

1 comment:

  1. I somehow missed this post...and I am happy to see the finished shade...shade is so nice when it's really makes a huge difference in how much heat one can stand...It looks beautiful!
