Boat Info

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Pittsboro, NC

Went for another flight - getting ready for takeoff at Eagles Landing.  The runway is looking so pretty and green!

Just putzing around in the sky - over Jordan lake - flew over our old house in New Hill - amazingly there is a subdivision right across the road from the house!  When we were there it was the boonedocks!!

For those of you that remember, our old house/12 acres is the diamond in red.  Not much has changed on our actual property, but the drive in is certainly different.

Went over to Pat and Diane's for a great outside visit.  A.D. the airport dog is happy as always.  She's 16 years old!

Chatted long into the night - beautiful sunset - I assume some of that Saharan sand is helping make it spectacular.  We were out way past our bedtime!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, neat to see the old different...but a lot of good memories glad Airport Dog is still doing well...
