Boat Info

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Pittsboro, NC

Still just hanging out....dreary days here in Pittsboro!  We'll get back to boating...I promise!

I did get around to packaging and shipping the nautical quilt top to my sweet SIL - who has offered to do the actual quilting!!!  Amazing, huge,  kind offer - I was really dreading that and wasn't really sure how to proceed.  I'm sure that she'll do an amazing job as she always does. 

Otherwise, I've had both of my previous 2 vehicles back for electrical troubleshooting.  (They're both crew cars at the airports, but they've been giving difficulties with charging over the past few weeks). 

Both of them have "gremlins"....we hopefully fixed the Saturn and it's slow battery drain by installing a solar charging panel, wired directly to the battery.   Feels nostalgic somehow to see these cars back at the house after years away.

And the Escape - has real gremlins - haven't got a solution for this one yet!  That's about it lately. 


  1. That is amazing that Sharon is going to do the quilting...does she have one of those big frames for it...when we used to make a quilt for the bazaar in ND...initially we all sat around in the fellowship hall and quilted it by hand on an old wooden frame...but then when the older ladies were unable to continue that they took the quilt top somewhere and paid $75 to have it quilted on one of those frames...and then we sold tickets and raffled was all good fun...I can't wait to see yours finished...I hope your cars get fixed...and I'm confident they will...with you and Duane working on them...

  2. Yes, agree that it's amazing she's going to do it for me! I believe she has a special machine for quilting, but I don't believe it's the big "long arm" setup that you're referring to . I'll have to ask. Love, K
