Boat Info

Friday, June 12, 2020

Pittsboro, NC

Sorry to keep whining about this lattice.....but it's my only non-accomplishment lately.  Sanding the top was easy enough.   Sanding the bottom was more tricky because of the supports attached.  But the in-between spaces are just a pain!!! 

No way to sand them - so I've resorted to the dreaded stripper!!  And it's still extremely difficult to get the varnish off.  It's got many layers - some of it peeling. Each of the "holes" takes 5 minutes of scrubbing to get anywhere near cleaned.  Just a mess.  But I persevere!

Nothing special about meals lately - not as elaborate as our shared meals with What If!!

1 comment:

  1. can do it...and I'm sure you will and it will be AWESOME...
