Boat Info

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Oriental, NC

We went flying again in the morning - pretty but overcast day.  I think some of that Saharan sand might be affecting visibility. 

Duane did some practice instrument approaches - he wears these "Foggles" vision-limiting glasses.  Notice that most of the lens is opaque black.  This simulates flying in the clouds as you only look thru the small clear opening in the glasses at the instrument panel, not outside the airplane.  (He's got his regular sunglasses propped on his forehead so looks a little other-worldly...)

Here's our flight path -  good to back practicing again.

And then it was a trip back to the boat finally!!

When we arrived, Ed was mowing the lawn and Cathy was cooking supper for us - picking up where we left off! 

They had gathered all the mail and it was waiting on us.   The long awaited birthday present from my sweet sister.  (It had gotten lost in the mail but was amazingly returned to her for another try).

Was happy that our card that we repeatedly send to each other had not been "lost in the mail"!

 Love my pressies!!!  Sweet slippers - these will be particularly nice on those long overnight passages when my feet are dangling in the air from the captain's chair.

And I love, love, love my new dish towel!

Isn't that beautiful!!!  She even has the Bahamas's flag detailed.  Love these muslin dish towels - if they get a stain, a little bleach and they're good to go.  (And the embroidery floss does not fade).

It's warm in Oriental!  We both have our sunshades out.  We'll get started on some boat chores...

1 comment:

  1. SO GLAD everything actually arrived...Happy Birthday!
