Boat Info

Friday, May 8, 2020

Oriental, NC

Just a pretty spring day!!

Duane continues to work on the NEMA 2000 wiring, he says he's almost finished. 

I made more cookies....this time homemade Do-si-do peanut butter Girl Scout cookies. Because we need extra calories.....

We had dinner on What If - a great red beans and rice dish.  Played just one game of cards because I needed to get on a 7PM Zoom teleconference for book club!  I'd never done a Zoom meeting but had read about it lately, of course.  We had 11 members "phone in".  Unfortunately, this particular screenshot does not capture most of us smiling.  But it was fun and there was much laughter.  However, it was not ideal - my internet apparently was not good enough to stream the video consistently and I think a few others had the same problem.  But it was sure fun seeing all the ladies after such a long time!  We hope to meet in person (outside) in June. 


  1. What fun...I think Mom's book club meets virtually as well...I've made vegan do-si-dos before...they were yummy...were they always called that...when Mom was driving us around selling GS cookies...I don't remember that name at all...

  2. I think they may have just been called Peanut Butter Sandwich cookies at the time....or that's what I remember. Love, K
