Boat Info

Friday, May 29, 2020

Oriental, NC

Another dreary day....the local rain gauge says that we've had over 15 inches of rain in May vs a normal 4 1/2 inches.   We have 2 more days of this nonsense then a sunny week ahead.

Just a few minutes later....same view.  To say this is getting old is an understatement.

Ed and Cathy picked up our Walmart grocery orders - we've done this every 2 weeks now and it's working well.  I'm pretty well stocked back up on dry goods so most of my order was fresh veggies and such.

And it was time to defrost the freezer again....Duane cut a hole between the freezer and the refrigerator sides to allow more cold air to escape over into the fridge side.  This is how the later model Mantas are set up and we thought we'd give it a try.

If it doesn't work out like we think it will, we can always just plug it back up.

That's about it for the day - I had dinner duty on Sojourn - Grouper fingers, hushpuppies and coleslaw.   A few games of Hearts  (of which I was the big loser).  


  1. Hey K,
    Your grocery order looks a lot like mine...thought you might like this easy tofu take on bbq...

  2. That BBQ looks great! I usually just whip up something with TVP/BBQ sauce when I'm serving everyone else regular BBQ. I'll have to try it.

