Boat Info

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Oriental, NC

Dreary, dreary day on the water!  And we've got a week of this forecast.....

Duane is staying busy with more wiring rehab.  Now he's tracing and replacing antennae wiring for our AIS (Automatic Identification System).  We had trouble reliability this winter and wanted that fixed!

The current state of the guest berth.....

That's about it - dinner was salad, spaghetti and leftover brownies on Sojourn.  And a couple of games of hearts (which the girls both won!)   Excellent sleeping weather with soft raindrops pattering on the deck.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,'s a nice rainy day here too...I'm going to put a note in the mailbox and see if our carrier knows what may have happened to your package...
