Boat Info

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Oriental, NC

Had a fairly busy day....

Started with a long needed haircuts.  Kinda gross, haha.  An amazing amount of grey-ish hair!

Duane does a pretty good job on mine!  I feel light-headed!

Cathy and I planned another big Walmart pickup order.  It's been about 2 weeks since we did the last one so our fresh stores were getting pretty low.

Same drill - actually the same helper.  Everything smooth and we were on our way in no time.  And every wore a mask.

And back to the boat, same routine.....more laundry.....dinner on What If and a couple of rounds of cards.

1 comment:

  1. You look ADORABLE!...Kudos to Duane...oddly on both of our last grocery orders we have not gotten the fresh carrots we ordered...and it's funny how not having them seems so odd...not a big thing really...just odd...
