Boat Info

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Oriental, NC

Had a busy day, just not a lot of photographic evidence.   Helped Duane trace some wiring inside the boat.  It is amazing how much wiring there is!!!  There are literally a hundred wires running around thru various conduits inside the boat.  Both electrical power and communication lines (with an occasional water line thrown in the mix!) 

Did another couple of loads of laundry....amazing how quickly that builds up!  

For those of you that haven't seen the boat in person, we have a nice setup for washing clothes.  Lest you think I'm having to use a scrub board and bucket - we have a Splendide washer/dryer all-in-one combo.  The loads are small - about 1/2 a "normal" home washer.  I have only been using the wash cycle since I have "free solar dry cycle"!   (Plus the dryer vent hose has come loose from it's outlet so I need to crawl way up in the confined storage compartment and fix it....haven't done that yet - and I've known about it for 6 months!) 

Dinner was on What If -  some yummy left-over spinach lasagna.  Cathy and I decided a while back that we needed to start serving left-overs occasionally instead of going all-out at each meal.  We had started to get over-run with left overs and our fridge/freezers were too full!  She added extra cheese to the lasagna and I do believe it was even better the 2nd time around!!  Then she topped that off with a wonderful cheese pie with apple topping - recipe from the cream cheese box.  Wonderful.  Now I need to do another 15 mile bike ride to work some of this yummy food off my waistline!

A few games of Hearts and a beautiful evening on Brown Creek!


  1. Pretty sunset...and I love that you have my picture on your washer...

  2. Yep - that photo is magnetic if you remember. It's about the only place on the boat where I have a flat metal surface. (No metal sided fridge or other appliance). (The others are on my fridge at home :-)

    Love, K
