Boat Info

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Oriental, NC

Cathy and I made our trip to Walmart to pick up our "contactless" groceries.  Great experience.

We drove into the assigned parking spaces.

And immediately this nice employee rolls out a cart with Cathy's order.  We didn't have to call them or anything.  They knew we were there, I think, from our app on our phones.  Just a little creepy but in a good way.   I would have liked to see him in a mask....but Cathy and I had our masks on.

 He gently loaded all the groceries on Cathy's order and left to retrieve my order.  Over $500 in groceries were packed in the van!   We tried to give him a cash tip but he waved us away saying he was not allowed to accept them.  Bad move Walmart!

 And back at the boat it was a couple of trips each with the wheel barrow - we're stocked again for a good while - plus we got the adventure of leaving the premises again!  (small things seem significant now, don't they?)

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