Boat Info

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Oriental, NC

We had a bit of a scare in the morning when the strong frontal line passed thru.  Tornado warnings and sightings were all around.  Windy!!  But we escaped any damage at all. 

But, the water was all "sucked out" of the creek for a few minutes. 

Our boat was actually aground in the slip - the water level was down by 2-3 feet from normal. 

View of our shoreline - you can see the normal water level on the rocks.

 Since our rip-rap has done some migration into the silt, I decided that it would be a great time to hop in and toss it back uphill. 

I got alot of it done before the water came back - the water was only low for 10-15 minutes.   Good dirty fun!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you weren't impacted by the was stormy here and the power went off...that looks like messy work...
