Boat Info

Friday, April 10, 2020

Oriental, NC

We had a quick-moving storm pass in the morning.  Beautiful strange line of clouds as it approached.

The most exciting thing that happened was getting groceries!  The local Piggly Wiggly is offering to deliver your groceries.   You just email them your list and they call you with the total.  You leave a check for them and they put your groceries on your doorstep.

We don't really have a doorstep, per we used the mini-van.  Cathy and I both sent in our orders (which included the much needed propane!).  We taped the checks (and a small tip for the driver) to the glass and put our empty propane cylinders out.

Before long the "Piglet" vehicle arrived and Melissa (in gloves and mask) started toting all our groceries to the van.   Didn't take long and we waved thank you from the bow of the boat.

Quite a haul - I was out of most fresh or frozen vegetables and many staples were running low.

And we hadn't had any chips for a couple of months because they're $7+ a bag in the Bahamas so it was fun to re-stock.

We took spray bottles of bleach/water and did our best to wipe all the items down.

I did end up putting some of the staples like bags of corn meal,  sugar, oatmeal, etc. in a big tote bin since they were too hard to spray with bleach.  I've set that box in the cockpit and will open it up in a couple of days.  Being extra careful since you just don't know where any of this stuff has been.

 The soggy slippery items eventually got put away.  Fun to be re-stocked but it was quite a production.  This should hold us for a while!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    Glad you got some groceries...our weather radio went off...but it just stormed around us we never got any rain...
