Boat Info

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sandy Point Cove, Great Inagua, Bahamas

Well, today's sunrise looks just like sunset last night.....a bit dreary.  I guess we can't have sunshine all the time!

I don't think I've mentioned them lately, but we see the US Coast Guard helicopters frequently.  They fly fairly low level close to our boats.   There is a small US air station on Great Inagua, I understand they assist the Bahamas Defense Force. 

They occasionally wave at us from the open door and we see them every day or so.  Always flying directly over our boats.   I'm sure they joke about "those 3 catamarans we see everywhere".  It's a small place and as far as we know there are no other boats anchored within 15 miles of us.

And we spent most of the day troubleshooting a watermaker issue.  Duane finally traced the problem to a stuck check valve.  Glad I brought my mechanic with me!!  He had a spare so we were back in business making water. 

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the Coast Guard...and glad you got your water fixed...
