Boat Info

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Mayaguana, Bahamas

Finally got off the boat!!  The winds weren't calm so we put on our "foulie's" and braved a splashy ride to shore.

The narrow marked channel at about mid-tide. 

Duane chatting with Anton a local fisherman.  

Everyone getting their dinghies tied up.  Note that there is water all around - this will not be the case in a couple of hours when we return at low tide.

Pretty "regatta point" like most settlements.

Government building in nice shape.

Typical small Bahamian settlement.  Anton told us there are about 120-130 current residents with larger numbers at times during the year.

There is no restaurant open currently, so Anton showed us where to order some "snacks".  At Miss Vickie's house.

She was cooking grouper and chicken - sides were pea's-n-rice, corn and beets.

 We chatted with Anton while waiting.

Anton took us back to a little covered pavilion beside his house.  He has a bunch of fruit trees.  Papayas.


Bananas - unfortunately, the mangoes and bananas were not ripe enough to pick.  But he gave us all some papayas.

Chickens and chicks abound.

Someone else from down the street brought us some beers and we were all set to eat our "snacks".  It was delicious!

Back to the boats was a bit problematic.   The tide was at dead low....and the channel had gotten very shallow with all the surrounding area actually dry.

To the left you can actually see 2 fly fisherman wading back towards the dock.

At one point, we hit bottom and we all had to get out of the dinghies and pull our way through the 6" deep water.

But eventually got thru it and back to the boats.

The papayas Anton gave us.

I sliced the ripe one and will have for breakfast.

No communal dinner tonight as we were all stuffed from our "snacks"!!!

1 comment:

  1. ...that does look a bit stormy...and your papayas look delish...
