Boat Info

Friday, March 6, 2020

Man Of War Bay, Great Inagua, Bahamas

Started the day with a treat - left over lobster in butter sauce with my pancake!

Sailing today from the south side of Great Inagua around to the north west side.

Seas were 4-5 feet and at our backs.  Now &  Zen - we only used the main sails on this leg since the winds were strong enough to push us along at 6 knots.  Since the seas were lumpy, didn't want to go too fast!

Passing the Matthew Town lighthouse on the way.

Anchored near the Morton Salt works in Man of War bay for a short rest....departing around 3AM!

We had made our way north to position for departure for a "bucket list" destination.  It's called Hog Sty Reef  - here's what Google says about it:  Hogsty is a bit of an oddity in the Atlantic basin. It is a 5×3 mile coral atoll rising up from 6,000 ft deep surrounding waters. 

Since it's just a ring of coral in the middle of the big ocean, there is no protection from land like we usually we had to chose a time that the weather would be settled.  It's not ideal, but we've got a 18 hour window that we think we can sneak in a visit.  

Here's where the atoll is:

So we'll snorkel and explore the atoll during the daylight on Thursday - then head out for Mayaguana after dark.  No internet - so I'll send position reports.

Talk to you next when we arrive Mayaguana on Saturday morning!!

1 comment:

  1. ...Your pancake looks yummy...and that is about the BLUEST water I've ever seen...
