Boat Info

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Leaving Landrail Point for home...

We've made the hard decision that we need to start our way back the the USA.....we had planned a couple of more months here and several more islands.....but the corona virus sortof got in the way.

Today the Bahamas Ministry has announced more stringent restrictions about boat movements, closing all public beaches, etc.  So, little fun to be had in this wonderful place right now!

No worries, we are well prepared and we'll be making our way north with What If.   I'll send out my radio emails to those of you on the copy list so you can track us along the way.   It's gonna take a while!!  At minimum a week or 10 days.  Maybe more.

Hope the US borders are open to us when we get there! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, sorry you have to cut your time there short...but we'll be happy to have you back home...
