Boat Info

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Sandy Point Cove, Great Inagua, Bahamas

While sailing south we got a big hit on the fishing pole - I slowed the boat down and Duane worked at reeling it in.  The pole was bent more than usual, so we expected it was going to be a big fish.  Towards the end it did seem to get a bit easier, like the fish had "given up".  Still a bit of work, but no darting down or sideways like usual.

Now we understand why!  A shark (or a bigger fish) took the back half of this nice wahoo!!

We got out the scale and weighed it - 31.2 pounds....if we had landed it whole - that would have been a big fish!!

I had to take some bread out of the freezer to make room for the vacuum packages.  (luckily, we have a salt water washdown hose right at the trampoline, so the mess was easily cleaned.

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