Boat Info

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Today was laundry day! (And therefore water-making day too....)  We use about 15 gallons of water for each load of laundry.  The water tank (100 gallons) was about empty, so we ran the generator, made water and washed clothes for about 4 or 5 hours.  We now have 1/2 tank of water and clean clothes!  It was a great day for drying clothes - windy, sunny and warm.  Took about 15 minutes to dry even towels.

When we were sitting around the hut for sundowners we saw a ripple in the almost calm surf.  A shark!

It was about 5' long - probably a nurse shark.   Seemed to be circling something on the bottom, over and over.  Not about to wade in and investigate!!!   It's only about 2 foot deep there

Dinner was on Now & Zen - they had invited Southern Star to join us so was a cozy affair with 8 in the cockpit!

The weather window for us to head east to Great Inagua is approaching finally!!  Stay tuned, we may actually leave the Raggeds Friday morning.

1 comment:

  1. I always love to see clothes drying in the wind...either on land or on a boat...and yes I'd stay away from any sharks if possible...
