Boat Info

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

The Valentine's party was a huge success!

Cooking conch fritters over the open fire.  They were a hit with everyone waiting for lunch to be served.

All the cruisers in the harbour (about 20 boats) attended along with most of the residents of Ragged Island plus the crew of the mailboat!

Beautiful day for it!

The Ragged Island ladies did all the cooking - it was amazing that they pulled it all together for so many folks!  (the cruisers took donations and I understand over $800 was collected!)

Enjoyed visiting with fellow cruisers.

Michelle and Clark from Roam will be leaving tomorrow to go to Georgetown.  Maybe we'll see them again later in the season.

New friends Dee and Nicholas from South Africa.  They are on the lovely huge Lagoon 62.

And Jeanie and Ted from Southern Star.

After all the eating was accomplished, they did an "auction" to raise money for the new school being built.  All the cruisers brought "Stuff" from their boats that they didn't need anymore.  Both the cruisers and the locals participated in the bidding - but mainly if a local person wanted an item - say a wetsuit - the auctioneer just gave it to them for $5 or whatever they bid.  (It's not like they have Amazon service or a store where they can buy we all enjoyed seeing that they could use the items).  Alot of fun and I understand they raised another $750 via the auction.

A great day!  Sojourn and Roam - optical allusion.....Roam is MUCH bigger!

Ended the day with a trip over to the Lagoon 62 Meshugga for a tour and a couple of drinks.  Beautiful huge boat!!!

That mast looks tall - and it is!!  Over 100 feet tall!!  Obviously wouldn't work in the US Intercoastal.  Lovely folks and a fun visit.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lot of fun!...the water and the sky are just so so blue you can hardly tell where one ends and the other nice of y'all to raise money for the school too...
