Boat Info

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Double Breasted Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Another glorious calm day!

It was so calm you could see the individual grass blades on the sea floor below the boat just after sunrise.

Since the winds will pick up in the afternoon, we were out early.

Beautiful water!

More videos -  just some lovely coral near Double Breasted Cay.

I saw two small rays swimming - always mesmerizing to watch their fluid motion.

And I'm also mesmerized by the blue tangs - often in big schools, stopping to munch occasionally on the coral.

And the best treat of the day was that What If made it back to the Ragged Islands in the late afternoon!!   Their watermaker is all repaired and  ready to relax and enjoy again!

Dinner was on Now & Zen - they grilled some of the wahoo they'd caught earlier and made a lobster sauce for it.  Yummy! 

Donna and Jerry from Bluejacket came over after dinner and taught us all how to play a dice game - Farkle.  Good fun!

1 comment:

  1. That water is awesome!...very clear...and the photo of Duane is GREAT!...Love the videos as always...
