Boat Info

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Morgan's Bluff, Andros, Bahamas

We moved out to the anchorage from the dock - the bar next door was just a little too loud until about one else around.

 The mailboat came in at the government dock....

Can't miss it because it clearly says "Mailboat"....I don't think I've seen this one before.  Seems like a rather nice boat compared to the usual ones we see.

Our propane tank ran dry while I was cooking breakfast, so Duane changed it out with our spare that we keep in the bow compartment.  The empty tank was very rusty - it had been in it's compartment under the helm station for 6 or 8 months undisturbed since the Bahamas in the spring.  Duane decided that he didn't want to lug the rusty thing ashore to have it refilled - so we sanded it down.....

 And painted it with Rustoleum.  Not a perfect job, but at least we won't be shedding rust all over the boat and dinghy.  

That's about the only excitement for the day - breezy and warm.  Dinner on Now & Zen and then a fun game of Mexican Train dominoes. 

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