Boat Info

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Lisbon Creek, Andros, Bahamas

Found this little sprig of bougainvillea when we walked to the grocery store. So bright and cheerful!

Time to leave Fresh Creek - we have some rather large winds approaching tomorrow.....

We're off the dock first - Now & Zen behind us down the channel.

Had a great sail but had to keep one motor on low rpm to keep our speed up - we arrived Lisbon Creek just at sunset.

Up the narrow channel and we're now tied up at the government dock.

And within minutes of our arrival, our little friend James was on both the boats fishing.  A year older and still so sweet.  He fished while we got settled and had dinner with Leslie and Ralph.  He is a real fisherman!!  Caught several fish in short order - here a yellow jack.  This is more than a hobby to him, he proudly takes these fish home for their dinner.   We'll be seeing James a lot over the next few days.

The weather is not going to be great for 3-4 days so we'll probably just do some chores and relax.  Next window to move south may be early in the week before Christmas.

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