Boat Info

Monday, December 16, 2019

Fresh Creek, Andros, Bahams

We had a great sail from the Joulter Cays 35 miles south to Fresh Creek.

We caught this small skipjack tuna on the way.  He looks small but he's actually fat and round.  You know what's going to happen to him later!!

All tied up at Fresh Creek.

Yep, sushi.....

Duane's not a big fan of I had veggies and my homemade hummus dip as well.  Leslie and Ralph stepped off their boat onto ours for dinner.

 They had caught a huge wahoo - so we had that grilled.  Their fly fishing  buddy Prescott joined us for dinner as well.  A fun evening.

And first thing this morning, the propane truck stopped by!  I had arranged a few days ago - so now we are all topped off with propane.  More chores today....oil changes, some laundry and we have a small tear in our jib that we need to patch before we sail again!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! a tear in your sail...I'm sure you'll get it mended though...
