Boat Info

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Black Point, Great Guana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

It was a rainy, showery day again....we did laundry.  I hung clothes out on the lifelines for 10-15 minutes - flapping in the 20+ knot breeze, drying quickly. Then I'd run out and retrieve them just as another squall would pass. 

We went ashore to jerry can some water.  They have a spigot beside the road where cruisers can come get free water.  Better than running the generator!

On the way, there is a great sea glass beach.  I scored some really cool items.

I picked up some pottery shards - which I don't normally take.  But they were worn from the sea and very cool.

The best prize was a piece of actual yellow sea glass.  Very uncommon!  (it's the yellow piece at the very bottom center).  Looks like it might have been an actual glass turn signal from long ago based on the ribs still visible.

Dinner on Now & Zen - back to the boat it the blustery breeze. 

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