Boat Info

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Black Point, Great Guana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

The overnight sail was uneventful.  A bit boisterous during the wee hours of the night but nothing we weren't expecting.

Lovely little anchorage that we used to take naps in the early afternoon to recover from the sleepless night.  The main anchorage at Black Point was still rolly from all the winds so we stayed here in a more protected spot until mid-afternoon.

We passed a oil freighter - got calls from the captain of the ship to "stay well away" - he has fuel hoses in the water going ashore pumping fuel into tanks.

 Anchored at Black Point now.  Dinghied in to go to the Christmas party at Lorraine's restaurant.  Most all of the cruisers in the anchorage are in attendance.

Group photo!

Met up with Oriental neighbors Jerry and Donna from Bluejacket.

Lorraine welcoming us.  

After a wonderful meal we all got in the Junkanoo spirit.  The staff handed out the homemade head-dresses.

Other cruisers....can't remember their boat name.

Much "conga style line dancing".    Good fun!!

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