Boat Info

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bird Cay/Whale Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas

We had a lovely overnight sail to the Berry Islands.  We were off at about 3AM, arrived at Bird Island about 3:30PM.  The winds were perfect, we started with a reefed main because the winds were gusty.  The prediction was for 30 knot gusts but the largest I saw as about 27.  Midway thru the morning we shook the reef out and put up all the sails to take advantage of the wind. 

Caught our first Mahi Mahi - it was pretty exciting because we had fish on both poles at the same time.  We were sailing at about 7 knots when the fish hit and we needed to get the boat slowed down to pull them in.  To do that, we have to pull in all the sails and then point directly into the wind so that we're not "sailing" anymore.   We did it and somehow managed to get both the fish on the boat (usually in this instance we lose at least one of the fish because it takes a good amount of time and the seas are usually pretty bouncy).

I got my fish onboard first and just flopped it in the cockpit.

Duane had to struggle with his a long time because it had some seaweed tangled in the line making it really heavy to reel in.  Good fun and good eating!

Had a great meal with Now & Zen - early bedtime!

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