Boat Info

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Vero Beach to Biscayne Bay (Miami)

Still chilly when we left Vero Beach.   Like 60 degrees.  Which may sound warm but I'm looking for 75+ !!

Out the Fort Pierce channel.

A few hours into the day, I saw this pretty spinnaker approaching.  As it got closer it was clear that it was a pretty big boat.

They tacked and came close to us.  We were also under sail going about 6.5 knots.  They were screaming along at 14+ knots!

They got really close (I assume on purpose) the crew was all dressed alike in dark uniforms.  I got one casual wave.  Most of the crew looked somber.   Maybe we were in their way?? 

Looks like they've got Kevlar sails.  So definitely a racing boat.

As they passed I could see their name - Chessie Racing.  The boat Chessie, is the first ever entry from the Chesapeake Bay in the famous Whitbread Round the World Race.

Just a minute or two later they crossed in front of us and were soon far away.

That was about the only excitement for the day.  Beautiful sunset and small waves.

Couldn't really ask for a more peaceful 23 hours!

At first light I could see the Miami skyline.

As the sun was rising....

We went in the Biscayne Bay channel to avoid the busy Miami shipping lane.

A closer view of downtown Miami.

And within a couple of hours Ralph and crew on Now & Zen arrived to the Dinner Key anchorage.  We'll get cleaned up and settled before the make our way ashore.  We'll be here a couple of days so no rush.

1 comment:

  1. It really does look like they got a little too's a pretty boat though...and city skylines are always pretty...
