Boat Info

Monday, November 4, 2019

NC time quickly winding down

We had a great visit in the mountains.

Always love that first little peek at the hills on I-40.

Keith and Denise were planning a campfire for the evening, so everyone wandered down to the river.

Nice relaxing afternoon/evening.  Keith had his tractor at the river as he was fixing up the firepit with gravel.  The tractor became a nice chair alongside the fire.

Everyone remarks how I resemble Mom....I tend to agree!

Tyler and Bridget came for a visit too!

And so did Miranda and Richard!  Miranda is in Asheville for a work conference so combined the trip.

 As the evening progressed, Denise got out the fixin's for S'mores.

 The fire was fabulous!

Yummy I'm ready to find some WARM weather again!

We had a great visit with Granny and Cordy as well but I forgot to snap a single photo!  But I did score a bag of fresh yummy turnips!  (And Sharon, your dad says that he's got a box that he'll pack up a bunch of turnips and send down to you, haha!!)

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