Boat Info

Monday, November 25, 2019

Key Biscayne to Bimini, Bahamas

Up at 3:55AM for our 4AM departure.  Threw some clothes on and hopped into action.

Got the sails up just outside the Key Biscayne channel - glorious southern breeze to push us all the way to Bimini with no motors.

The sun peeking over the horizon about 6AM

Just a few minutes later.....

Uneventful crossing - saw just one container ship.

Leslie and Ralph caught a nice sized Mahi-Mahi.  We did not although we had two poles out.

Approaching the Bimini channel.

All settled in a slip at Bimini Bluewater Marina.   Now & Zen is nearby.

Cleared customs and immigration - now flying the Bahamian flag!

Pretty sunset - over to Now & Zen for fresh fish dinner!

Stole this photo from Leslie's Facebook.  Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty turquoise really is amazing how quickly the sun rises...and sets...
