Boat Info

Friday, November 8, 2019

Southward into SC

I got a day behind on my travels!!

Duane and I at the Beaufort Docks.

Sojourn anchored at Taylor Creek, Beaufort (NC)

Ed an Cathy picking us up for our walk in town.

Lovely houses along the waterfront.

Off down the Intercoastal waterway - near Camp Lejeune the Osprey's were out dropping paratroopers.  Cool to watch.

Lots of coastal towns as we motored along.

A couple of bridges had to open for us.

This one a "swing" type.

And this one a "lift" type.

Just lots of pretty scenery.

A cargo ship when we were going out the Southport channel for a little 30 mile ocean sail.

And a ferry too, as usual!

I snapped this photo of the sail just to prove that we are, indeed a sailboat.....but not much wind....anchored at Calabash just in the edge of SC for a stormy night.  Tomorrow will be chillier and rainy.....southward!!

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