Boat Info

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biscayne Bay, Florida

We're just hanging around, waiting on Leslie to arrive today.

Ralph took us on an afternoon wander around the cute "little" town of Coconut Grove.  I say that with a grain of salt because it's really a bustling upscale town that's huge and noisy in comparison to what I'm used to in NC. 

On the way into town we spied a huge manatee lumbering along next to the pier.  So cool. It's about 10-12 feet long.   If you look close at it's left side you can see the scars/marks where it's been run over by a propeller at some point in it's life.   That's why we are supposed to move very slowly in the marked Manatee Zones to allow them time to get out of the way of our propellers.

We'll be heading about an hour east this afternoon to an anchorage near the ocean inlet.  At about 4AM we'll head to Bimini!!  Should be a terrific sail.

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing manatee when we lived in Florida...they were huge...they were also in a river...
