Boat Info

Sunday, October 13, 2019


We played a lot of dominoes with Now & Zen last year in the Bahamas.  I am a terrible player.  I don't know why, but I loose more often than not.  Fun anyway!

So last year we played on Now & Zen's boat because they had the set of dominoes.  I wanted a set for our boat too, so I ordered them on Amazon and had them shipped to Buddy & Sharon's address - they toted them to us when they visited in the Abacos.  (Thanks again!)

I like the pretty  wooden box, but it turns out to be cumbersome and in the way on the boat. 

Haha, note the scores from our last game still on the scorepad.  Duane, Leslie, Ralph, Karen. 

I have a solution for the cumbersome box of course.....another one of my bags make out of scraps from the fender covers.

Domino set ready to toss on the shelf in the boat.  Looking forward to our first game for this year's trip!

1 comment:

  1. We have a set that Mom gave us...I need to get it out...
