Boat Info

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Trip to Rensselaer

We flew to Rensselaer, Indiana to attend Duane's Uncle Paul's funeral.  He was 86 years old and lived a very full life!!

Here is a photo of Paul and Christine when they visited us in Boca Raton in about 1992.   We had a great visit with Granny/Cordy, Paul/Christine and Maxine.  The boys were just toddlers, visited the Everglades, had a great time with them.  He was a great guy and his huge family is the nicest you could ask for.

Took off in a bit of a hazy morning.   Over the southern foothills.  Trip time is about 3 1/2 hours.

Getting closer to Indiana the fields start standing out.

Downtown Rensselaer.

The Mooney parked at the Jasper County (Rensselaer) Airport.  A great country-airport, basically in the middle of a corn field!  Friendly manager and good fuel prices!

Had nice visits with the family.  Great to see so many of them that we haven't connected with in several years.

We stayed with Laurie and Frank - all the "McCraw kids" in one place.  So nice of them.

We needed to get to the airport early because there was some weather moving in from the west.  Said our goodbyes and had an uneventful flight home!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice visit...funerals are often family reunions of sorts...
