Boat Info

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Road work

It's that time again!!  It's been 2 years since we repaired our road at home and the potholes have appeared and are pretty large this time.  So the able-bodied neighbors got together for a long, tiring workday.

Same drill,  get a load of "tar" from the local asphalt plant.

NCDOT had recently repaved our "main road" - in the process they added gravel on top of our existing road surface to level it up, I suppose.   We spent the first hour or so removing that hard-packed gravel.

 Then we really got started with the repairs.   Spray some tar down, add small gravel, repeat. 

Not hard work at this point because there's a nice overcast sky.

Moving up the road as we made repairs.  The sun was starting to bleed thru mid-day.  It got warm!   Much water was consumed!

Lots of teamwork - we got quite a rhythm going.

And so it went all day.  Finally finished up around 7 pm.  I bet everyone slept well!!  I know I did.