Boat Info

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hurricane Dorian Prep

Wanted to take a moment to say that Hurricane Dorian has hit the area of the Abacos that we have visited the past two winters particularly hard.  We understand that friends Reid and Laurie have lost their home and boat on Guana Cay.  Haven't heard from Will and Rita on Magic, but suspect their home and boat were not spared since the devastation is widespread.  The Abacos that we know will not be the same for years to come!

But Dorian is now approaching us and we are taking the threat seriously.  Hope the hurricane decides to breeze off into the Atlantic instead of paying us a visit.....

Like last year's prep for Florence, we packed up our lawn mowers and took them in the trailer over to the "in town" lot that doesn't flood.

Then we addressed the boat.  Took off all the clear vinyl enclosure, sunshades, sling seat, etc.  Anything that could possibly come loose.  Tied the boat up in the center of the 30' slip with extra lines.  Disconnected the power and water lines.   Took the dinghy off.  

Ready as she's gonna be!  Had to use the dinghy to get off the boat 'cause we're too far from the dock to step off the boat.

Tied the chairs, wheelbarrow and such to a tree.  They may get moved around but we won't lose them!

Hooked up the Avion....

And the new dinghy and headed to Pittsboro!  We'll watch from safety what happens over the next few days.

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