Boat Info

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Back at the boat

We're back at the boat for the first time after Hurricane Dorian.  No damage to the boat except one of our very snuggley fitting instrument covers apparently blew off.  Last year for Hurricane Florence, I had removed all the covers.  This year, I apparently forgot to do that.....I guess I'll be ordering a new one.  We keep the covers on anytime we're not sailing to reduce the sun damage to the instruments.

Beautiful sunrise this morning, calm day but the mosquitoes are out in force for some reason  - strange since it appears that the area is extremely dry.

We have a bunch of limbs and debris to clean up....and we're both suffering from a yucky head cold.  May not accomplish as much as we wanted to.

Looks like the storm water came up onto our entire lot, bringing other people's dock boards and lots of leaves/pine needles.    Our concrete dock is holding up like a champ!  (Knock wood).

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