Boat Info

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dinghy chaps finished!!

I know you're happy to hear it!  Me too!!

Saturday afternoon, we took a break.  The local marina - Deaton Yacht Service - had their 40th Anniversary celebration.  They sweetly invited the entire town for music and a catered BBQ.  We carpooled with Jerry and Donna - a lovely afternoon, but hot!!!

Last thing that needed to be done was attach the swim fin bags.  I sewed a batten in the front border pocket to keep it "stiff".

 Took the trailer next door to our neighbor's boat ramp that he nicely offered for our use anytime!  Off we went for a little tour of Brown/Broad creek.  We have to run the engine at 1/2 power for 2 hours to break it in.  It did great - got up on plane easily at even 1/2 throttle. 

 On our little dinghy ride, we saw new friend Sue out in her yard so we puttered over to chat.  Rick came out and invited us in for a glass of wine.   Had to twist my arm!!! 

Beautiful house - enjoyed chatting with them.   Sue got out a watermelon and Rick did a great job with a fancy cut -

Ended up with fun little watermelon spears!  Yummy one too.  (Watermelon and red wine are a surprisingly good pair!)

Back to the boat - swapped the new with the old on the davits.  Yay!!!  A project complete!!

1 comment:

  1. ...looks like good fun...and the dinghy chaps look AWESOME!
