Boat Info

Monday, May 6, 2019

Grand Cay, Abacos, Bahamas - LAST DAY FOR 2019 WINTER TRIP!!!

UPDATE AFTER I WROTE THIS POST:  We are leaving Grand Cay at 8AM -  and will head straight for Beaufort, NC instead of following the Gulf Stream as mentioned below.  This is due to an updated weather forecast we got this morning.  We should arrive Beaufort, NC by mid-day Thursday but don't worry if its later than that!  We'll get back online and let you know of our arrival as soon as we can pick up a cell signal again.


Enjoyed our last day in the Bahamas this year!  Started the day doing a bit of cooking and loading the fridge with easy-to-get-and-eat food for the 3-4 days we'll be offshore.  I don't really enjoy any cooking while most of you know!

Lowered the dinghy for one last snorkel.  Really enjoyed it even though it was just small corals and fish.

Pretty little islets.

Lots of life in the area!

Loads of juvenile fish.

Several lion fish - Duane speared one - trying to do our part to rid the Bahamas of this invasive species....the other 2 quickly hid themselves....

Just pretty small corals and small fish.

Swam thru these minnows several times - thousands of them!

Graceful angel fish.

Probably the last Sojourn photo in the Bahamas this season!

Back at the boat, these are the shells I picked up today - all with no living occupants!

Plan to leave during the day tomorrow based on current weather predictions we should arrive Oriental sometime Thursday.  I'll come back during the day and give you a definite departure.  About 550 nautical miles!!

Here is the general plan - we go west from here until we hit the Gulf Stream which is running about 3-4 knots northbound right now (so free speed!!!).  Then we hope to ride the Stream as far as we can before heading into Beaufort, NC inlet.  551 nautical miles  (or 634 statute miles)  according to the chartplotter. 

1 comment:

  1. That's like a Nat Geo glad you're heading 'home'...
