Boat Info

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Lynyard Cay, Abacos, Bahamas

Rita invited us over to their house for lunch so we walked the mile from the marina.

I'm including photos of Rita's orchids for Sharon since I know she enjoys them.  

There are dozens of them all around her house.  And they're all blooming at the same time!  She says she puts them outside in the garden for the summers while they're away - then brings them inside when they arrive to the Abacos.  Lovely and delicate.

In the afternoon, Dick and Lindy arrived in their plane to the Scotland Cay airport.  Will and Rita have 2 golf carts so we all greeted them and carried their luggage over to our boat.  We said our thank-yous and goodbyes to Will and Rita (although we likely will see them again).

In the afternoon we went over to the lagoon for some sunshine.

A stranger offered to take a photo of the group!

Others enjoying the lagoon at almost low tide.

The next morning, we sailed over to Hope Town.

Climbed the lighthouse.

Fun viewing the town from the top of the lighthouse.

On the dinghy.

Just did a leisurely tour of the pretty little town.

And back to the boat for a few more hours sailing south to Lynyard Cay for the evening.

 At Lynyard we went ashore for a little beach combing.

Found some neat sealife.  A pretty little starfish.

And not sure what this is - but I have an empty shell on the boat of this variety.  This one was occupied by it's owner!

 It was "stuck" to a big rock - when we pulled it loose you could see the large suction cup-like "foot".  Pretty cool - we put him back in the sea.

Back to the boat for a relaxing evening - played some cards until all were sleepy.....

All for now!

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