Boat Info

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Little San Salvador, Bahamas

In order to be closer to Eleuthera tomorrow, we traveled about 20 miles to the small private island Little San Salvador.  It's another one of those strange islands that cruise ships use to disgorge thousands of folks onto a single beach for exactly 6 hours.  Only one ship in the bay today....sometimes I understand that there are 2.  The beach was filled with little huts and activities.  Not our cup of tea.

We anchored well away from the crowd and went snorkeling around the tip of the island where no one seems to travel.  It was a nice calm day so we snorkeled out at the exposed reef.  Pretty coral but surprisingly few fish.

Video of a pretty angle fish.

Pretty shoreline.

A different snorkel spot.....I'm still struggling with the camera settings!   These are actually beautiful purple fans.

Back to the boat.

At 3:30 sharp, I looked up and saw the cruise ship on it's way and we had the entire bay to ourselves.

Another pretty sunset.  Tomorrow we'll travel about 50 miles to Rock Sound, Eleuthera for the only real protection from west winds coming in a couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. Funny about the cruise ship...I've never been on a cruise...not likely to choose that either...
    pretty sunset again though...
