Boat Info

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Southside, Ragged Island, Bahamas

We sailed to the southern end of Ragged Island - lovely sail!  We're about 60 or 70 miles from Cuba now.

Now & Zen under sail.

Duane with one of those prize lobsters.

Lovely coral

A different lobster!

Pretty coral

Duane diving for a fish.  Remember - this is all done on lung power - one breath.

 Ralph diving for fish.

 And then we took a little dinghy ride thru to the ocean side.

Beached on a little islet.

View of the ocean side just a few hundred feet away!

After a full day of fun, we trekked over to dispose of our garbage and saw this lovely plant.  Not sure what it is.  

And on the way back, we passed this interesting structure....I understand it used to be a bar but now someone lives there.

That's it for today!


  1. Hey K, are you heading to Cuba...

    1. Haha, no, not this time. It's too complicated for a US flagged boat to go. Not impossible, just a pain.
