Boat Info

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

We did some boat chores today, one was to make our "boat sign" on some discarded wood to hang in the Hog Cay Yacht Club hut.  We've left plenty of room to edit the sign with future years of visits.

Then we went for a short walk to the top of the hill - pretty view of the anchorage late in the day.

View facing the Atlantic. We'll do other walks on the island in the next few days, we only had a little while today to gather some firewood to add to the pile for a bonfire tonight.

I nabbed these photos from Leslie - my camera doesn't take good low-light photos.  Cruisers evening.  Grilled dinner first, then a bonfire.  Gentle breeze.  Fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. ...that's a lot of boats...and I love the idea of the boat sign...
