Boat Info

Thursday, February 28, 2019

French Wells, Crooked Island, Bahamas

Today was mostly a sailing day. We sailed about 20 miles around to French Wells on Crooked Island.

Had a great sail - mostly 8-9 knots with a steady 20-25 knot breeze. 

Now & Zen in front of us.

We had a bit of a current helping us - and occasionally saw 10 knots which is kinda cool.

Approaching French Wells anchorage.

On "the flats" area near shore there were several bone-fishermen.  Here you see the setup - a Bahamian guide is on a perch with a long pole.  They are in just inches of water, sculling along - the guide is powering the boat with the pole and spotting the almost transparent bone fish for the fly-fisherman to cast to.  Not my idea of a fun time but many folks go to a lot of trouble to come to this remote area to do this!

And treated to another pretty sunset - watched "Princess Bride" with Ralph and Leslie.

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