Boat Info

Monday, February 25, 2019

Fish Cay, Acklins & Crooked Islands, Bahamas

We had about 20 miles to travel today, and we could do it in the magic deep water that hosts good-eating fish!

Me struggling to reel in a fish.

 The prize today - a nice skipjack tuna.

Caught another - a horse-eyed jack.  We read that they often harbor the virus Ciguetera so decided to send him back to the sea.  (Same reason we don't eat large barracuda.) 

Anchored near Fish Cay - beautiful and not another boat in miles (other than Now & Zen, that is).

View from the boat.

We took a walk ashore - where several iguanas came to greet us.  They just seemed curious, not like some iguanas on populated islands where they're used to being feed.

Back at the boat, the messy job of cleaning the tuna.

All the prep work for sushi!

Dinner!!  (I also grilled some of the fillets since Duane is not a big sushi fan.)  The rest of us made quick work of it!

And another pretty sunset.

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